36 Dusty

Josh thinks it might be an idea to have another look in the shed for more tapes maybe. He goes through a few dusty boxes, almost choking at times on the particles he is breathing in. He needs some fresh air.

Large drops of rain begin to fall on the roof. Looks like its gonna be a downpour alright. He sits, sheltered at the exit door, watching the rain pelt down.

It’s getting dark. Time for another can of strong hooch. The only stuff that was available at the store. Bud wasn’t their thing. Too soft. The red-flag strong beer was just the ticket. Something you could depend on. A proper man’s beer.

36  Dusty

Josh thinks it might be an idea to have another look in the shed for more tapes maybe. He goes through a few dusty boxes, almost choking at times on the particles he is breathing in. He needs some fresh air.

Large drops of rain begin to fall on the roof. Looks like its gonna be a downpour alright. He sits, sheltered at the exit door, watching the rain pelt down.

It’s getting dark. Time for another can of strong hooch. The only stuff that was available at the store. Bud wasn’t their thing. Too soft. The red-flag strong beer was just the ticket. Something you could depend on. A proper man’s beer.